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Photography tips, tricks and tutorials.
Photography Tips
More >The Secrets of Stunning Waterfall Photography
Waterfalls are beautiful but technically difficult to photograph. Discover how to master the technical and creative aspects of waterfall photography.
Silhouette Photography
Breathe new life into subjects by photographing them in silhouette, removing detail and texture to leave a simple, bold shape on a bright background.
How to Photograph Motorsport Events
Motorsport is fast and exciting, but it can be challenging to photograph well. Learn how to capture stunning motorsport shots.
Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is an essential photography technique. It can be applied to any subject to improve the composition and balance of your images.
Jewelry Photography Tips
Jewelry photography is notoriously tricky, but is an interesting subject to explore. Find out how to avoid the pitfalls to snap some stunning shots.
3 Portrait Composition Tips for Framing Your Subject Perfectly
Move beyond simple snapshots and learn how to capture more engaging, interesting portrait photos with these essential composition tips.
More >Wide Angle Lenses
A wide angle lens allows you to fit more into the frame, making them perfect for capturing scenes such as expansive landscapes or cramped interiors.
Crop Factor Explained
Crop factor is the ratio of a camera sensor's size to a 35mm film frame. Use it to calculate effective focal lengths and compare lenses between DSLRs.
Depth of Field Explained
Depth of field can be daunting to get to grips with, but is actually a very simple concept to understand. Use it to take your photos to a new level.
The 3 Best Lens Filters for Landscape Photography
Professional landscape photographers recommend 3 lens filters above all others - polarisers, graduated NDs, and warming filters. Find out why.
Exposure, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained
Aperture size and shutter speed add up to create our exposure. Learn how they work, and how to use them to get the creative effect you desire.
The Perfect Camera Settings for Action and Sports Photography
Photographing sports and action is all about speed. Discover how to set up your camera to capture sharp, detailed photos full of excitement and drama.
More >Fixing the Keystone Effect Using Photoshop
Keystoning is where a building seems to lean backwards in a photo. It's distracting but can be easily fixed with Photoshop's Lens Correction tool.
Gritty Black and White in Photoshop
Learn how to turn your colour photos into gritty black and white urban shots using Photoshop.
10 Ways to Digitally Improve Your Photos
Digital editing software allows us to remove unwanted objects, adjust colours, and touch up blemishes. Learn how to digitally improve your photos.
Digital Cross Processing in Photoshop
Digital cross processing is a technique that simulates developing photos in the wrong chemicals. Use it to produce some stunning colour shifts.
Imitating a Graduated Neutral Density Filter in Photoshop
A graduated neutral density (ND) filter helps balance exposure levels between the sky and ground. Learn how to replicate the effect in Photoshop.
Convert a Colour Photo to Black and White
The Channel Mixer is easy to use but gives you complete control over the appearance of your photo when converting from colour to black and white.